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VARIMEX-VALVES POLAND Sp. z o.o. was established in July 2014 however it’s commercial activity is the continuation of Varimex-Valves Co. Ltd. existed from 1992. Varimex-Valves Poland is an export office for several Polish factories producing industrial valves. Out great advantage is that we are in position to offer a wide range of industrial valves from our group. We supply our clients with typical gate, globe, check , ball, butterfly valves valves for water, steam, gas and other media and also specialized valves like valves for aggressive media, safety valves, control valves, pressure regulators and others. Our staff is very experienced in valves and trade since many years and we are a reliable partner in business. All offered products are full produced in Poland according to high European standards and are reasonably quoted. All our valves have DIN standards and all necessary European certificates. A few items can be made according to API (ball and gate valves). We would rather aim at the industry which does not require API standards, with DIN valves our offer is much wider. We deliver our products to many countries in Europe, the Middle East, Central and East Asia and Africa.